Monday, November 17, 2014

Real Local Control

Recently the Time Argus, a local paper out of Montpelier Vermont, published an article on getting back to control of our local food and becoming more aware of what we are eating. They talk about how far Vermont has come with selling local products and having the focus on local food. There is not a negative to that, but a younger generation hasn't let learned about why they should care about what is in their food. Vermont of all places has a stronger suit in being able to provide that education. A excerpt from the article states: 

"This is a huge step toward real local control — building local food systems through awareness and knowledge about the food we eat everyday. It seems logical that we would want to know what we can about our food and have free access to local, fresh, healthy food."

So how is it we get people to care about what is in their food? The main point the article brings up is how not all organic is created equal. Getting a better sense of awareness toward learning about what is in the food you eat will make you double check on what exactly the product contains. There have been issues in recent years on the topic of raw milk. 

"It turns out that not all fresh local food is created equal, and raw milk is one such product. Only in recent years has it been legal to sell raw milk at all, largely thanks to the efforts of Rural Vermont (, and then only under tight constraints including a limit of 25 quarts per day, and only on the farm."

Now how would you realize this issue without doing a bit of research? It requires more than just walking into the local convenience store and grabbing a gallon of milk. Its an important topic to discuss particularly those who are younger so they learn that by putting in a conscious effort and taking control they can make sure they are fully aware of what is in their food. For more on this and the full Times Argus article: Click Here

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