Thursday, September 18, 2014

First Sources

Hey there! My name is Candice Kalil and I am a Junior Media Studies, Journalism and Digital Arts major with a Business Minor at Saint Michael's College. As a elective for my major this semester I am taking an Environmental Journalism class. For this class, we were assigned to blog throughout the semester on a environmental cause/issue that was pressing currently in the state of Vermont. Going back and forth while researching I was debating what I could pick for this particular topic, especially a topic that I would be able to write about consecutively during the duration of the semester.

After a bit of research, and an personal appreciation for good local food, I chose to blog about how farmers' markets in Vermont have become a alternative network of food production and distribution. Remaining locally based and supporting local businesses is something that Vermont fully embodies. For research on this topic, I looked into these sources:

Static News Sources:

 1. Vermont Farmers Market Association (VTFMA) :
 From facts shown on the site the production profit rates have increased each year among the state's farmers' markets making it more and more popular. It also means more of the community is looking to support local farmers and businesses as opposed to the larger brand name grocery stores.

2. Vermont Agency of Agriculture :
This site is a great resource because it not only delves into the topic of farmers' markets but focuses more on the produce and products from them. The VTFMA website covers a majority of the organization, mission and business side of what the farmer's markets are but this site particular is a great source for learning more about the agricultural side to them. 

Even though a bit more on the tourist-y side of the spectrum, the Visit Vermont site provides a list of the multiple farmers' markets in the state. While doing this it also allows you to connect to the actual website of the farmer's market if they provide one. 

4. Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT) :

NOFA - VT is a, "... nonprofit association of farmers, gardeners, and consumers working to promote an economically viable and ecologically sound Vermont food system for the benefit of current and future generations."  
5. Local Banquet :
This site's main focus isn't exactly farmers' markets but rather the importance of local and organic food. It highlights a lot of farmers' markets and covers the different foods that are sold at them.
Dynamic News Sources:
1. Winooski Farmers Market (Facebook Page) -
Even though it covers only one town's famrers' market within the state, this Facebook page is well updated and shows a lot about the presence of local farmer's markets in the area.
2.  Five Corners Farmers Market (Facebook Page) -
Another informational Facebook page that covers a farmers' market in Vermont that is presiding over more than one town.
3. NOFAvore Blog -
The blog for Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont it expands on what the website has to offer with well updated information.
4. Woodstock VT Farmers Market Blog -
Another local farmers' market that through their blog offers multiple informational posts on both the market and organic food/cooking.
Keeping with the social media trend, Stowe's own farmers' market Facebook page offers a lot while showing one of the more well known town's work towards supporting local businesses.

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